Blind Dragon's HeadAcrylic paint, PVA, ModRoc, Twigs
The VillageAcrylic on Canvas with adhesive/Ink on Paper
DaybreakAcrylic on Canvas with adhesive and twigs/Ink on Paper
Web / FireAcrylic on Canvas/Digitally manipulated photo
First DreamAcrylic on Canvas with adhesive/Ink on paper
FlightAcrylic on Canvas with adhesive, acrylic sheet and cotton thread/Ink on Paper
Into the LightAcrylic on Canvas with adhesive/Ink on paper
The Magic SongbirdAcrylic on Canvas with adhesive/Ink on Paper
NightfallAcrylic on Canvas/Ink on Paper
OutsideAcrylic on Canvas/Ink on Paper
Second DreamAcrylic on Canvas with bark, twigs and glass/Ink on Paper
SunsetAcrylic on Canvas with twigs and glass/Ink on Paper