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Category Albums Files
Miscellaneous and ExperimentalClick on this category to explore experimental pieces, conceptual work and images that are not easily classified.
5 95
Music and SoundRecordings of performances and compositions
2 11
WritingPoetry, Essays, Articles, Ritual Texts, Artist's Statement, CV
4 13

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People viewing my work are often bemused: "Lovely colours, Jon, but I just don't understand your work". Here is a short illustrated explanation that aims to put that right.

1 files, last one added on Mar 14, 2014
Album viewed 190 times



When I paint a landscape, I try to immerse myself in the experience of being there, and depict the totality of what I see, how it feels physically, how it feels emotionally, history, future, what it means to me, and what I might mean to the land.

29 files, last one added on Feb 07, 2022
Album viewed 860 times



I try to capture my deepest reaction to a person, portraying this through colour and flux. I'm fascinated by ritual masks, especially the wonderful collection in the Pitt Rivers museum. When I'm painting a portrait I feel like I'm creating a ritual mask, seeking the primitive, the fundamental, the archetypal essence of the bond between me and the subject.

16 files, last one added on Apr 13, 2020
Album viewed 307 times

Sacred Art


A reaction against the emptiness of mainstream conceptualism. Works of art made specifically for sacred rituals, which have become sacred objects themselves through their use.

11 files, last one added on Dec 10, 2012
Album viewed 903 times



Occasionally I create paintings related to myth. I try to go beyond illustration and express the spiritual and emotional significance of the allegory through colour, shape and texture. These paintings are often abstract or semi-abstract.

15 files, last one added on Dec 10, 2012
Album viewed 311 times

Images with Text


I like to incorporate text into images, sometimes as formal poems, sometimes as almost insignificant details. Where the painting is clearly constructed to support the presentation of the text, these could be considered as Concrete Poems.

7 files, last one added on Dec 10, 2012
Album viewed 216 times

6 albums on 1 page(s)